The Immortality of the Crab

Client: Entry for the 2019 Straight 8 competition
Technique: Experimental animation short film shot on super 8mm film
My role: Co-producer, director of photography and camera operator

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“The Immortality of the crab” is an experimental animated short film shot on super 8mm film, made with in-camera editing and no post production.
In this movie, the synaesthetic research between sound and image is accomplished by connecting the animations, made on 1125 cardboard frames, with an original soundtrack produced using only sounds sampled by handling pieces of cardboard.
Backstage pictures

Direction & Animation – Giacomo
Camera and DOP – Mario Zorzi –
Sound Design – Sonicmeal / Fabio Sirna & Giacomo
Backstage photos of the painting process: Massimo


Cartoon Brew Short Pick Of The Day – 05/09/2019
Winner – “Outstanding super 8 film” – ZedFest 2019 – North Hollywood CA, USA
Winner – “Best alternative cinematic technique” – Kinodrome International Motion Picture and Screenplay Festival 2020 – Cleveland OH, USA
Honourable Mention at Experimental Forum 2020 – Los Angeles CA, USA
Honourable Mention at Punto y Raya 2023 – Lisbona, Portugal


Straight8 2019 – London Premiere – London, Uk
Prisma Indipendent Film Awards 2019 – Rome, Italy
Experimental Superstars 2019 – Novi Sad, Serbja
Engauge Experimental Film Festival 2019 – Seattle WA, USA
Save the Archives Film Festival 2019 – Milwaukee WIS, USA
Nanometri Festival 2019 – Fano, Italy
EyeMyth Media Arts Festival 2019 – Mumbai, India
Zed Fest Film Festival 2019 – North Hollywood CA, USA
Analogica 9 Selection 2019 – Bolzano, Italy
Festival Transterritorial de Cine Underground 2019 – Tigre, Argentina
Rencontres Internationales Traverse 2019 – Toulouse – France
16mm Film Festival 2019 – Mumbai, India
Aguilar Film Festival 2019 – Aguilar de Campoo, Spain
Revolutions Per Minute Festival 2019 – Boston MA, USA
Artifact Small Format Film Festival 2019 – Calgary, Canada
Encounters Film Festival 2019 – Bristol – UK
58th Ann Arbor Film Festival – Ann Arbor MI, USA
X Pune Short Film Festival – Pune, India
15th Experiments in Cinema – Albuquerque NM, USA
X Encuentro Para Cinéfagos – San Cristóbal, Venezuela
Onirica Film Festival 2020 – La Spezia, Italy
London Experimental 2020 – London, UK
Experimental Forum 2020 – Los Angeles CA, USA
VII Bridge Film Festival – Verona, Italy
Ribalta Experimental Film Festival 2020 – Savignano sul Panaro / Vignola – Italy
Film Maudit 2.0 – Santa Barbara, CA – USA
Laterale Film Festival 2020 – Cosenza – Italy
Image Play Video Art Festival 2020 – Funchal – Portugal
2020 Intl Screening of Experimental Films and Videopoems AT THE FRINGE – Tranas – Sweden
Osaka International Film Festival 2021– Osaka – Japan
The8fest Small-Gauge Film Festival 2023 – Toronto, ON – Canada

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